Thursday, March 20, 2008

that's all folks!

Well I guess this is it.  
I'm going to announce that I am closing this blog, on the off chance that someone checks it.
Its kind of funny writing these words into a space that I'm sure no one reads. 
This has intrigued me to start my own personal blog space though.
So I'll see you on the other side...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

my stuff

Two things have struck me this week.

The first is from the sermon this past weekend:
1. The #1 competitor for my attention with God is my stuff. (Andy Stanley)

The second is from my bible study:
2. Why do we children of the light so easily become conspirators with the darkness?
Our identity, our sense of self, is at stake... what matters is how I am perceived by the world.
(Henry Nouwen)

I have really been wrestling with these Christian principles for a long time.
This message I have heard from the church my whole life.
"die to this world" "store up your treasures in heaven" "our identity is in Christ"
What do these things mean? I mean, what do they really mean? Rather, what does it look like to not care what the world thinks? I can not even fathom my life not being motivated by "pleasing people". I want to transfer this motivation to pleasing the Father, but its like I'm addicted to this world. No its not "like I am", I AM.

As I stare at the last sentence I just typed, what jumps out at me (maybe you saw it) are the words "I AM". I guess I need to cling to the truth and not what I feel. The truth is He is my everything. He is all I need. He will never let me down. He doesn't have an approval rating for me - He loves me. I don't have to earn it.

It seems so elementary, but its a love that I can not fathom. And some days it sends me spinning...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

OK... looks like we're up and running.  Very cool.  Thanks, Courtney, for getting this going and for helping me figure out how to post.  

Your blog was very thought-provoking.  I don't think I'll be nearly as deep.  But, one thing did strike me that I wanted to comment on.  Not feeling grown up is something I struggle with as well and it can be really frustrating.  (When will these zits disappear?)  But, to put it in perspective, I am reminded of my dear grandpa who, when he was in his 80's, commented that he still didn't feel "all grown up."  So, though we struggle with that now, when we're 80-something, assuming we're blessed enough to get there, we'll be the lucky ones if we don't feel grown up!  I hope we can be young at heart and adventurous even in our 80's.  Let's keep in shape, treat our bodies well, stay spiritually centered, and enjoy all the years ahead of us!  (But, I do have a special request, God..... please no more zits when I'm 80!)  

A little about me....  I, too, have a dog.  She is a bichon-poodle mix.  She's really sweet and very pretty (when she's clean and brushed out).  But, she's a bit whacky.  Right now she's afraid of the hardwood floors.  She's gone through this before and we can't figure out what causes it. She'll stay on the carpeted areas and cry, wanting to be with us but afraid to cross the scary hardwood floor.  Even if we drop food for her, she won't walk over and get it. Isn't she bizarre?  Any thoughts on that, anyone?  Any dog-therapists out there?  

Have a great day!   
Hey all.  This is a test.  Does this work?  Trish

Monday, March 3, 2008

First an introduction...

hi, my name is courtney clark cleveland.
i'm the admin to the women's ministry at christ community church.
i've been married for a little over a year to a hot man named michael.
we have a yellow lab named molly. we fight over michael's affection. ;)
you know, a boy and his dog....

on being WILD ...
invested in
leadership and

i'm excited about exploring what this means in my life and learning from others...
one thing i know is that when someone invests in you and believes in you - it can change everything.
to be honest, if i hadn't been invested in, i'm not sure i would be doing the revolve tour.
who am i truly investing in? am i too busy being super woman?

this blogging thing is hard. its a different vulnerability. i'm very self conscious of my writing.
if you are new at this like me and find it hard - push through with me because i have a knot in my wierd...why? we're all friends.

you know, whats funny...the biggest surprise to me about adulthood was that the insecurities that you felt as a teen didn't go away. i still wanted to be accepted, gossip still happened and you still get zits. I THOUGHT YOU GOT A BREAK FROM THESE THINGS!

all that to say, i find myself asking - will i be accepted in this space? how do i express myself in this space?
i guess we'll find out together...